静电植砂新工艺,以高强度树脂精选磨料和特种棉布, 经引进流水线加工制作而成。特别适用于机磨、切削量大、生产效率高的各行业;广泛应用于金属的砂光处理、实木加工等方面。优质砂带的接头分为平接、叠接、S形接三类。 Abrasive Belt (YAB) Adopting new electrostatic strewing techno-logy, the belts are fabricated with highstren-gth resin,abrasive grains and fine cloth back-ing. They are especially suitable for use in machine grinding. High removal rate and produ-ctivity make them possible to be extensively used in almost all industres. There are three types of connecting joint for the belt; butt joint, overlap joint and wave joint.
磨料:氧化铝、碳化矽、锆刚玉 基体:布、纸 粒度:24#--800# 粘结剂:半树脂、全树脂
砂纸砂布(YAP&YAC) 特点及功能与砂带类似,但砂纸砂布主要用于手工抛光,其形式为片状。
Abrasive Paper & Abrasive cloth (YAP&YAC) Characteristics and funtions are similar with that of the Abrasive Belt. In form of sheets, they are used for manual polishing.